Survey for Ubuntu ARM Project

1. Introduction
 - Ubuntu arm team deal with arm specific build failures, crashes, and general port tasks. 
- Both for ARMel and upcoming ARMhf archives

2. Ubuntu 12.04 버전 지원 리스트
- OMAP: Texas Instruments OMAP page
- Tegra (AC100): Toshiba AC100 Nvidia Tegra 2 page
- IMX53: Freescale IMX53 QuickStart Board Page
- ARM Server: ARM Server Page
3. ISO 이미지 다운로드
- Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu Desktop for ARM are a general purpose OS for ARM-based systems only. 
- Calxeda ECX-1000 (Server only), Marvell Armada-XP (Server only), TI Panda development boards.
3. qemu Emulator를 이용한 테스트
- pre-built 버전으로 테스트 수행 (karmic: 9.10 버전)
- WM는 미포함 (ID/PW = ubuntu/temppwd)
- $ qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb 
-cpu cortex-a8 
-kernel ./vmlinuz 
-hda ubuntu-arm.img 
-m 256 
-append "root=/dev/sda mem=256M devtmpfs.mount=0 rw"
- tar jxfv ubuntu-arm-development-rootfs.tar.bz2
- chmod +x
- ./


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