What is kqemu?

QEMU Accelerator (KQEMU)
- 제작자 : Fabrice Bellard
- 목적 : Speeds up x86 emulation on x86 platforms.
- 다운로드 : http://wiki.qemu.org/download/kqemu-1.4.0pre1.tar.gz
- 방식
    - Full virtualization mode
        - 옵션 : -kernel-kqemu
        - Guest kernel and user code are executed directly on the host CPU
    - Normal mode
        - Only the user code is executed directly
        and the kernel code is still dynamically translated by QEMU.
- 장점
    - KVM과 다르게 Hardware Virtualization feature가 없어도 됨 (Intel VT-x and AMD-V)
- 라이센스
    - On February 5, 2007 => Under the GNU General Public License.
- Status
    - QEMU 0.12.0(August 2009) 이후 버전은 kqemu 미지원
    - Why ?
        - It prevents large memory
        - Furthermore, kqemu is fundamentally flawed in a number of ways.
        - 멀티코어 지원에 문제점
        - KVM 대세       


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